Toyota Camry

1992-1997 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Toyota Camry
+ General data
+ 1. Maintenance
+ 2. Engine
+ 3. Six-cylinder V6 engines
+ 4. Capital repairs of engines
+ 5. Cooling and heating
+ 6. Fuel system
- 7. System of ignition
   7.2. Accumulator
   + 7.3. System of ignition
   + 7.4. Check of system of ignition
   + 7.5. Ignition coil
   + 7.6. Ignition distributor
   7.7. Check and adjustment of a corner of an advancing of ignition
   7.8. Block of ignition (switchboard)
   + 7.9. Sensor of impulses
   7.10. System of charging
   7.11. Generator
   7.12. Check and replacement of components of the generator
   7.13. System of start of the engine
   7.14. Starter
   7.15. Traction relay
+ 8. Decrease in toxicity
+ 9. Transmission
+ 10. Automatic transmission
+ 11. Coupling and power shafts
+ 12. Brake system
+ 13. Suspension bracket
+ 14. Body
+ 15. Electric equipment

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7. System of ignition, start and charging

7.1. Technical characteristic


Installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition (all models)

with test clips of TE1 and E1
10 ° before VMT
without test clips of TE1 and E1
12 – 22 ° before VMT

Ignition coil

The ignition coil installed on the distributor
– resistance of primary winding
0,4 – 0,5 Ohms
– resistance of a secondary winding
10,0 – 14,3 kOhm
The ignition coil separately from the distributor
– engine 5S-FE:
   • resistance of primary winding
0,3 – 0,55 Ohms
   • resistance of a secondary winding
9,0 – 15,4 kOhm
– engine 3VZ-FE:
   • resistance of primary winding
0,2 – 0,32 Ohms
   • resistance of a secondary winding
6,4 – 10,7 kOhm
Resistance of primary winding of the coil of ignition without distributor
0,5 – 0,85 Ohms

Ignition distributor

Air gap:
– internal distributor of ignition
0,2 – 0,4 mm
– external distributor of ignition
0,2 – 0,5 mm
Ignition sensor resistance:
– external distributor of ignition:
   • between contacts of Ne and G-
155 – 250 Ohms
   • between contacts of G1 and G-
125 – 200 Ohms
   • between contacts of G2 and G-
125 – 200 Ohms
– the internal distributor of ignition till 1995:
   • between contacts of Ne + and Ne-
370 – 550 Ohms
   • between contacts of G+ and G-
185 – 275 Ohms
– the internal distributor of ignition since 1996
135 to 220 Ohms

Generator brush length

10,5 mm
1,5 mm

Interelectrode gap
1,1 mm